Here's a page with links to most of what I've done over the years.

This is mainly my online stuff, like maps and such.

Me at the Reichstag
The above image has nothing to do with the rest of this page.

Team Fortress 2 Deathrun maps

These can all be accessed on "Game Banana". I would typically link my GB profile, but I made it... Sorta hard to use (on purpose, I think it's funny) so I'll link the maps I'm proud of individually.

DR_Stardust, one of the biggest Deathrun maps in Team Fortress 2, and based off of season 3 of the show "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure".

DR_Spinner, a map where everything is spinning. Actually requires skill to beat, so I don't class it as a low effort meme map.

DR_CorPsyPas, a simple map with traps that can all be avoided with skill. I made it because I am getting fed up with all the low-effort meme maps.

DR_Chop_Suey. I have no excuse for this map. It is a meme, but oh boy does it get annoying fast. EVERYTHING is a table. Players, the map, even all sounds are replaced with the lead singer of "System of a down" saying "Table"!

Discord bots

I've made 2 bots for Discord servers. One is a public one named "Atago" after the "Azur Lane" ship. You can add that bot to your own Discord server by clicking here.

The other discord bot is one made for Team Fortress 2 map creators, called "Hammerbot", named after the Hammer World Editor. You can find it by joining the Death Experiments server.

This Website

I wrote this entire website by hand using a mix of Visual Studio and Notepad++ (mainly using N++ for small quick edits).

While I of course could get away with making a Wordpress website, I felt like doing this would be more beneficial to myself, as it requires me remembering everything I learned about HTML.

More will be added when I remember what I've done all these years...

My memory is trash.